I’ve applied for a competition to win £50,000. This will help baffie get going online and support it over the next four years, as I develop the baffie brand anad open a retail outlet in Edinburgh.
I’d be really grateful if you could you show support by backing my idea here:
The video is boring for the first minute, just me wittering on, but it’s worth hanging in there to see some gorgeous products by Cosima Sempill of Kitty and Dude fame, and my great friend and brilliant storyteller, Jessica Wilson. As well as this you will see a guest appearance by craftscotland’s Emma Walker and some lush choonage from Hoochie Fig’s Keith Paton. Big thanks to them.
You should definitely vote if you are a maker as this will allow me to buy more wholesale from the word ‘GO’.
Also, if you are feeling really kind, please share this message with all your twittery facebook type friends.
Many many thanks and…wish me luck!
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